Monday, November 23, 2009

No love for Gina

I've been attentive on the floor all day, but Anthony hasn't come in at all. It's really weird. He's usually one of the first one's in the door for a morning latte. Maybe he's sick or something. I hope he didn't catch it off me. A cold I mean. It's been going round and it's not as though we have enough staff such that anyone could take a sick day. Hate it. I don't want to get sick. The only good thing about getting a cold is how your voice goes all croaky and husky as you recover. Quite sexy. Maybe it's a weird personal taste. Not a total loss though. Flirted outrageously with genuine man-of-dreams material: early forties, dark hair greying at the temples, big nose, brown eyes that crinkle up when he smiles. And tall and broad in a wooly jumper. Local gastropub owner. Always offers me 'a place at my pub should you ever want a change'. I would, but that would seriously overcomplicate my life. One of the best thing about my work is that it's mostly girls. Sure my bosses have some yummy looking friends, but I would never ever touch. Unless they did first, which would entirely not be my fault. Gastropub owner who we shall call Richard gets a coffee and a pastry in the morning before heading to his own place to oversee lunch set up. It was so quiet for a Monday that I had enough time to pretend to be wiping down the communal table, staying close to his end. Nothing like a few appreciative gazes to cheer a girl up.

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